Hrytsenko, Ie. M.Pylypiuk, Y. V.Ovchar, O. V.Гриценко, Євген МиколайовичПилипюк, Євген ВікторовичОвчар, Олег Володимирович2023-05-222023-05-222022Grytsenko Ie. M. Information technologies in the organization of research work of medical university students / Ie. M. Grytsenko, Y. V. Pylypiuk, O. V. Ovchar // Information technologies and management in higher education and sciences : proceedings International scientific conference, Fergana, the Republic of Uzbekistan, November 28, 2022. –Riga, Latvia : Baltija Publishing, 2022. – Part 1. – P. 255–259. usage of information technologies in the organization of research wok of medical university students had been studied.enInformation technologiesresearch workmedical university studentsInformation technologies in the organization of research work of medical university studentsArticle978-9934-26-277-7-58