Lokes, KaterynaLychman, VitaliyIzmailova, OlgaShlykova, OksanaAvetikov, DavidKaidashev, IgorЛокес, Катерина ПетрівнаЛичман, Віталій ОлександровичІзмайлова, Ольга ВіталіївнаШликова, Оксана АнатоліївнаАветіков, Давид СоломоновичКайдашев, Ігор Петрович2023-06-262023-06-262023-09Expression of periferal core molecular clock genes in oral mucosa depends on the chronotype in patients with maxillofacial cellulitis / K. Lokes, V. Lychman, O. Izmailova, O. Shlykova, D. Avetikov, I. Kaidashev // Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research. – 2023. – Vol. 13, issue 5. – P. 517–521.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21286Introduction: Accurate determination of the patient’s chronotype is one of the problems of personalized medicine. Recent studies have shown that determining of the expression of timing genes is a valuable method that can help gain molecular insight into a patient’s intrinsic circadian timing. Odontogenic cellulitis is very common pathology. Since acute inflammatory diseases are an urgent pathology, the time of surgical intervention can correspond depend on the time of the patient’s hospitalization. Materials and methods: The level of mRNA expression of peripheral circadian clock genes clock and bmal1, per1, cry1 in buccal epithelial cells in patients with odontogenic purulent inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial area in the morning and evening was investigated.enchronotypeoral mucosacore clock gene expressioncellulitisodontogenic infection of soft tissuesExpression of periferal core molecular clock genes in oral mucosa depends on the chronotype in patients with maxillofacial cellulitisArticlehttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobcr.2023.06.001