Hutovska, IrynaKuroiedova, ViraГутовська, Ірина ОлексіївнаКуроєдова, Віра Дмитрівна2023-12-182023-12-182022Hutovskа I. Articulator application in orthodontic diagnostics / I. Hutovskа, V. Kuroiedovа // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2022. – Vol. LXXV, issue 11. – P. 2843 – 2849.0043-5147 aim : The purpose of the stud y wa s to determin e th e indications for th e use of articulator in orthodontic s based on the results o f th e analysis o f scientifi c an d foreign literature. Materials and methods: 23 scientific sources wer e selected, from mor e tha n 11 countries over th e past 39 years (198 1 - 2020 ) devote d to th e use o f orthodontic s articulators. As a result o f processing 23 ke y international scientific papers on th e use o f articulators in orthodontics , w e can tal k abou t thre e areas o f opinio n regarding this problem. Conclusions: To su m u p 30.34 % o f author s consider th e articulator t o be an obligator y orthodontist' s tool for correct diagnosis . Th e idea o f 34.78 % o f specialists is tha t th e articulator canno t simulat e th e physiolog y o f th e TM J - therefore , it is mor e a source o f additiona l errors tha n an assistant in th e orthodonti c diagnostics. Th e rest o f th e scientists (34.78% ) agre e tha t it is advisabl e to use th e articulator selectively - namely , if th e doctor deals wit h "complex"orthodonti c pathologies .endenta l articulatorsdental occlusionstemporomandibular jointArticulator application in orthodontic diagnosticsArticle10.36740/WLek202211221