Tkachenko, E. V.Al Abisat, IsmailТкаченко, Олена Вікторівна2021-03-052021-03-052016Tkachenko E. V. Differences in blinking reflex development in the HSEEU «UMSA» jordanian students from the country northern and southern parts / E. V. Tkachenko, AL Ismail Abisat // Медичні та фармацевтичні науки : аналіз сучасності та прогноз майбутнього : зб. матеріалів наук.-практ. конф., 11–12 листопада 2016, м. Дніпро. – Дніпро, 2016. – С. 36–39. works about typologies study in Jordan are much more met in the scientific literature than the ones on intra-Jordanian varieties study. Separate ethnic aspect is represented in the work . Ethno gender-age aspect is described in this work . The works concerning differencies in Jordan various areas and populations are rather seldom in a scientific literature.entypologies studyconcerning differenciesDifferences in blinking reflex development in the HSEEN «UMSA» jordanian students from the country northern and southern partsThesis