Pahomov, R.Dyachenko, E.Padalka, A.Zyma, A.Падалка, Аліна ІванівнаПахомов, Роман ІвановичДяченко, Євген Володимирович2017-10-262017-10-262015Postgraduate education of officials for labour protection. Problems and features of the educational process / R. Pahomov, E. Dyachenko, A. Padalka, A. Zyma // Eastern European Scientific Journal. – 2015, № 2. – P. 117–120.2199-7977DOI 10.12851/EESJ201502C05ART03 this paper structural and functional bases of education of officials are studied. The paper discusses the main problems of post-graduate education of managers and engineers and technical workers on safety. Considered different approaches and methods of teaching. Offered principles, the use of which can increase the efficiency of the educational process.ukincreasing the skillsofficialseducational processprinciples of teachinglabour protectionPostgraduate education of officials for labour protection. Problems and features of the educational processArticle