Tkachenko, E. V.Sokolenko, V. M.Mamadaliyev, IslamТкаченко, Олена ВікторівнаСоколенко, Валентина Миколаївна2021-03-012021-03-012020Tkachenko E. V. Differential psychology usage in applied aspects / E. V. Tkachenko, V. N. Sokolenko, I. Mamadaliyev // Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Practice: Implementation to Modern Society”, Manchester, Great Britain, August 16–18, 2020. – Manchester : Peal Press Ltd., 2020. – P. 111–119. psychology deals to human typologies study. They are different because people can be divided in many groups, by multiple classifications. But there are such approaches or so called typological aspects which study has not only big theoretical but huge applied significance as well, which study is paid much attention in the Earth different areas, which study touches knowledge various branches particularly in Psychology, Physiology, Pedagogy, Medicine, Biology. Thus, there are typological aspects people can be divided taking into account by. What are the main of them? Age, gender, ethnic, temperament (choleric, sanguinic, phlegmatic, melancholic), interhemispherical asymmetry individual profile (dexterity, sinistrality real, unreal, hidden or forced, ambidextrism or mixed handedness, ambisinistrality), control locus (external, internal), behavioral strategies (coping, avoiding). They are studied separately or in complex.entypological aspectsethnicsanguiniccholericphlegmaticmelancholicinterhemispherical asymmetrygendergender typological aspectageDifferential psychologyDifferential psychology usage in applied aspectsArticle617