Tkachenko, Elena ViktorovnaSokolenko, Valentina NikolayevnaHaddaoui, FadiТкаченко, Олена ВікторівнаСоколенко, Валентина Миколаївна2021-05-252021-05-252021Tkachenko E. V. Auscultation picture influence on pedagogical scores and adaptation to study in foreign students / E. V. Tkachenko, V. N. Sokolenko, F. Haddaoui // Modernization of today’s science: experience and trends : collection of scientific papers “SCIENTIA” with Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Theoretical Conference (Vol. 1), Singapore, Republic of Singapore, May 21, 2021. – Singapore : European Scientific Platform, 2021. – P. 66–69.978-1-63848-587-2 performed our investigations in foreign students from different countries. Our goals were: 1) to assess heart-vascular indices in them; 2) to assess adaptation to study in them; 3) to find links between heart-vascular system state, performances, adaptation to study; 4) to choose best pedagogical means on the base of the results received.enAuscultation picture influence on pedagogical scores and adaptation to study in foreign studentsArticle10.36074/scientia-21.05.2021