Dobroskok, V.Rezvina, K.Shvets, A.Доброскок, Віталіна ОлексіївнаРезвіна, Катерина ЮріївнаШвець, Анатолій Іванович2018-06-252018-06-252018Dobroskok V. О. Clinical аnd Immunohistochemical Characteristics оf Dermoid Cysts оf the Neck / V. О. Dobroskok, K. Yu. Rezvina, A. I. Shvets // British Journal of Surgery. – 2018. – Issue 13 (2), December Vol. 105. – P. 2042–2051., our studies prove the importance of application of the advanced technologies in the investigation of the immune competency of the layers of the wall of the lateral cysts of the neck and demonstrate its effectiveness that allows defining the distribution of the immune cells with the purpose of differential diagnostics of their varieties in difficult or doubtful cases. In addition, the immunohistochemical method of research, if necessary, and if tactical approach has been selected correctly, can be useful for predicting the probability of the frequency of occurrence of the acute inflammation and possible malignancy in the presence of exactly the dermoid masses.endermoid cystneckimmunohistochemical characteristicClinical аnd Immunohistochemical Characteristics оf Dermoid Cysts оf the NeckClinical аnd Immunohistochemical Characteristics оf Dermoid Cysts оf the NeckArticle