Tkachenko, P.Dobroskok, V.Korotich, N.Ткаченко, Павло ІвановичКоротич, Наталія МиколаївнаДоброскок, Віталіна Олексіївна2017-09-292017-09-292017Tkachenko P. I. The effect of plasma-substitutive therapy on cytokine profile of oral fluid in children with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis / P. I. Tkachenko, V. О. Dobroskok, N. M. Korotich // The XVIII International Academic Congress «History, Problems and Prospects of Development of Modern Civilization», Japan, 25–27 January 2017. – Tokyo, 2017. – С. 254–261. odontogenic osteomyelitischildrencytokine profileThe effect of plasma-substitutive therapy on cytokine profile of oral fluid in children with acute odontogenic osteomyelitisArticle