Shut’, S. V.Chekalina, N. I.Trybrat, T. A.Sakevych, V. D.Boriak, V. P.Шуть, Світлана ВолодимирівнаЧекаліна, Наталія ІгорівнаТрибрат, Тетяна АнатоліївнаСакевич, Вікторія ДмитрівнаБоряк, Віктор Петрович2019-11-182019-11-182019The level of systemic inflammation and the state of central hemodynamics in patients with coronary heart disease with metabolic syndrome / S.V. Shut’, N. I. Chekalina, T. A. Trybrat [et al.] // Biological Markers in Fundamental and Clinical Medicine. – 2019. – № 1. – Р. 93–94. syndrome (MS) is one of the possible risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) [2,7]. Meanwhile, cardiovascular disease, and first and foremost, CHD, is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries of the world [1,8]. The prognosis for patients with coronary heart disease depends, predominantly, on the progression of coronary atherosclerosis (CA). Clinical significance of MS is determined by its important prognostic value in the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and in particular, CHD, due to disturbance of the function of endothelial and smooth muscle cells of the vessels, local intravascular inflammation, increased platelets function and thrombosis [4,8]. The achievement of recent years is the concept as to the important role of chronic systemic inflammation (CSI) and insulin resistance (IR) in the pathogenesis of CA and CHD, which is especially relevant for MS patients [3, 8, 9].enThe level of systemic inflammation and the state of central hemodynamics in patients with coronary heart disease with metabolic syndromeArticle