Sidash, J. V.Tkachenko, E. V.Сідаш, Юлія ВолодимирівнаТкаченко, Олена ВікторівнаVojdanifakhr, Hossein2023-01-252023-01-252008Vojdanifakhr H. To the question to aphths study: some pathogenetital data / H. Vojdanifakhr ; scientific supervisors : J. V. Sidash, E. V. Tkachenko // Нові технології в стоматології : тези доп. Всеукр. студентської наук. конф., м. Полтава, 8–9 квітня 2008р. – Полтава, 2008. – С. 25–26. work aim was to assess specific and non-specific immunological mecha­ nisms role in aphths development. We performed our investigations on the base of immunological laboratory of Poltava immunological center. The investigation object comprised 15 sick people with acute and chronic aphths. We assessed lymphocytes total amount, T-helpers and T-suppressors, B-lymphocytes, serum Ig G and Ig M levels. We took into account the patients anamnesis data: acute and chronic stress, dyschronoses, life style and harmful habits.enTo the question to aphths study: some pathogenetital dataThesis