Процак, Т. В.Забродська, О. С.Хованець, К. Р.Процак, Т. В.Забродская, О. С.Хованец, К. Р.Protsak ., T. VZabrods`ka, O. S.Hovanets, K. R.2021-08-302021-08-302018Процак Т. В. Особливості ембріогенезу серця та його структур / Т. В. Процак, О. С. Забродська, К. Р. Хованець // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2018. – Вип. 3 (145). – С. 38–41.2523-41102077-4214https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16477В статті подано короткий опис закономірностей гісто- та органогенезу серцево-судинної системи (ССС), зокрема викладена повна інформація про ембріогенез серця в період внутрішньоутробного розвитку. Представлена тема є вкрай актуальною не лише в галузі неонатології та кардіології, а й для спеціалістів інших профілів, так як діяльність ССС покладена в основі підтримки функціональності усього живого організму. Саме тому на ранніх етапах підготовки лікаря, вже при вивченні анатомії, необхідно усвідомити тісний зв`язок між різними частинами організму та вагому роль ССС. Пропонуємо Вашій увазі розглянути детальний опис етапів становлення серця.В статье представлено краткое описание закономерностей гисто- и органогенеза сердечно-со- судистой системы (ССС), в частности изложена полная информация о эмбриогенезе сердца в период внутриутробного развития. Представленная тема является крайне актуальной не только в области неонатологии и кардиологии, но и для специалистов других профилей, так как деятельность ССС положена в основе поддержки функциональности всего живого организма. Именно поэтому на ранних этапах подготовки врача, уже при изучении анатомии, необходимо осознать тесную связь между различными частями организма и весомую роль ССС. Предлагаем Вашему вниманию рассмотреть детальное описание этапов становления сердца.The article presents a brief description of the regularities of the histo- and organogenesis of the cardiovascular system (CVS), in particular, complete information about embryogenesis of the heart during the intrauterine development. The presented topic is extremely actual not only in the field of neonatology and cardiology, but also for specialists of other profiles, since the activity of the CVS is based on the support of the functionality of the entire living organism. That is why at the early stages of doctor training, already in the study of anatomy, it is necessary to realize the close connection between different parts of the organism and the weighty role of CVS. We bring to your attention a detailed description of the stages of the heart formation. The general practitioner often faces various diseases, but every illness is closely related to the functioning of the cardiovascular system. That is why, at the first stages of his training, a young doctor should understand all aspects of anatomy and embryogenesis of the heart and its structures, which are described in detail below. The heart and blood vessels are the main organs of the system. They carry blood, lymph with blood and lymph vessels. Due to the fact that the fluids constantly move, the functions of blood flow and transport of substances into the cells are provided. The latter receive nutrients in the form of oxygen, hormones, vitamins, minerals, carbon dioxide and metabolic products are released from the tissues. The heart is the first organ that during the development of the embryo violates bilateral symmetry. This occurs when the heart tube bends forward and to the right, forming the so-called d-loop (right loop). The transition from four divisions to six occurs due to the separation of the proximal and distal parts of the heart tube: the atrium is divided into the right and left, in turn, the arterial trunk on the aorta and the pulmonary trunk. In contrast to the atria, the ventricles are formed from different parts: the left – from the primary ventricle, and the right – from the bulb of the heart. When the heart tube deviates to the right, forming a loop, the bulb of the heart and the primary ventricle adjoin to each other. Simultaneously with the formation of two atriums, the AV channel is separated by endocardial ridges into the tricuspid and mitral orifices. Firstly, they connect to the primary ventricle. As the ventricular wall thickens, a network of intertwined muscle bands develops on its inner surface. At the level of the external groove of the ventricle, these muscle bands form a septum that grows from the top of the ventricle towards the atrium. It is called the interventricular septum. Meanwhile, in the walls of the narrowed part of the heart between the atrium and the ventricle, two large masses of loose, organized mesenchyme form, forming the tissue of endocardial pillows. They consist of a relatively large amount of extracellular substance, rich in glycosaminoglycans. The myocardium develops from the cells of that part of the splanchnotome wall, of which part of the abovementioned myo-epicardial plates consists of the heart tube. These cells, at a certain stage of development, merge together into a syncytium-podibium plasma multinucleate mass, however, under experimental conditions, they can disintegrate into separate cells or fragments. The nuclei of this syncytium multiply, its mass increases in volume, and in it appear myofibrils with transverse striation. In the outer layer, the muscle bundles form a loop that begins in the anterior upper part of the right ventricle and terminates in the posterior upper part of the left ventricle. These muscles on the apex of the heart and form a figure known in the anatomy called the curl of the heart (vortex cordis). The remaining layers are separate for each ventricle. In the right ventricle there are two: internal longitudinal and external with a loop-like course of fibers. In the left ventricle of their own layers three and their arrangement is even more complicated than in the right ventricle.ukсерцево-судинна системасерцеембріогенез, шлуночокперегородкапередсердясердечно-сосудистая системасердцеэмбриогенезжелудочекперегородкапредсердияcardiovascular systemheartembryogenesisventricseptumatriumОсобливості ембріогенезу серця та його структурОсобенности эмбриогенеза сердца и его структурFeatures of heart embryogenesis and its structuresArticle10.29254/2077-4214-2018-3-145-38-41611.12.013