Веснина, Людмила ЭдуардовнаVesnina, L.Весніна, Людмила Едуардівна2017-11-152017-11-151997Веснина Л. Є. Изменение экспресии мембранный рецепторов лимфоцитов под влиянием пептидного комплекса почек на фоне действия α-интерферона / Л. Є. Веснина // Проблеми екології та медицини. – 1997. – Т. 1, № 1–2. – С. 32–34.УДК: 616.099-092:612. was studied the influence of peptide extract of cortical substance of kidneys on expression of superficial immunoglobulin receptors of the lymphocytes on the background of action of endogenous immunomodulator of .-interferon in reaction of the straight imunofluorecin. It was noted that decrease of expression of immunoglobulin lymphocytes receptors took place. This was accompanied by decreasing of the general number of cells with fluorecin 20% when interferon was added. The percentage of cells was decreasing, cells, that form clasters and patches of the strong degree of fluorecin on the membrane. Peptide complex on the background of .-interferon action resulted in the strengthening of the lightening, which was maximalle expressed when dose of peptide 0,05 mkg/ml was used. The number of cells with regrouping of receptors in the form caps and patches of the middle degree of fluorecin was two times more. The strengthening of expression of immunoglobulin receptors under the influence of kidneys peptide complex on the background of interferon action touched probably CD4-cells. The results testify the participation of peptide molecules in the interaction of between specialized parenchymatous cells and immunocytes in participation of immunomodulator.ukИзменение экспресии мембранный рецепторов лимфоцитов под влиянием пептидного комплекса почек на фоне действия α-интерферонаAlteration of expression of memrane receptors of lymphocytes under the influence of kidneys peptide complex on the background of α-interferon actionArticle