Tkachenko, Olena ViktorivnaZhukova, Maryna YuriyivnaKokovs’ka, Oksana ValeriyivnaТкаченко, Олена ВікторівнаЖукова, Марина ЮріївнаКоковська, Оксана Валеріївна2024-03-182024-03-182024Tkachenko O. V. Early professiogenesis as a mean to learning motivation enforcement in the PSMU students / O. V. Tkachenko, M. Yu. Zhukova, O. V. Kokovska // Ресурсно-орієнтоване навчання в «3D»: доступність, діалог, динаміка : матеріали IV Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф, м. Полтава, 22–23 лютого 2024 р. – Полтава, 2024. – С. 306–307. abstracts are dedicated to early professiogenesis start at the 2 nd course while managing Physiology to the students of dental faculty that is reached by regular profile questions discussion as the topics studied actuality, getting acquaintance to dental profile investigative methods, detailed description of maxillary-facial area and oral cavity specific and non-specific functions as well as such terms as “masticatory pressure” that in part is important in Orthodenty and Prosthetic Dentistry. The authors emphasize to multiple connections between organism systems in norm and pathology, structure corresponding to functions, used and use both intra- and interdisciplinary integration at their lessons to increase the applicants’ motivation.enprofessiogenesiseducation profilizationPhysiologyDentistrydental faculty studentsthe students’ motivationprofile investigative methodschronaxymetrymasticatory muscles electromyographymasticacyographygnathodynanometrymaxillary-facial area physiologyoral cavity physiologymaxillary-facial area and oral cavity specific functionsmaxillary-facial area and oral cavity non-specific functionsmaxillary-facial area and oral cavity absorbtiveregulativeincretoryexcretory functionsspeech formationmasticatory pressureOrthodentyProsthetic Dentistryintra-disciplinary integrationinterdisciplinary integrationstructure corresponding to functionsEarly professiogenesis as a mean to learning motivation enforcement in the PSMU studentsThesis