Vasylyeva, K.Yemchenko, Ya.Bezeha, O.Kameniev, V.Tymchuk, L.Васильєва, Катерина ВолодимирівнаЄмченко, Яна ОлександрівнаБезега, Олена ВікторівнаКаменєв, Володимир ІвановичТимчук, Лілія Юріївна2021-11-302021-11-302021Using of narrow-wave ultraviolet therapy in patients with psoriasis to improve the quality of treatmen / K. Vasylyeva, Ya. Yemchenko, O. Bezeha, V. Kameniev, L. Tymchuk // Ricerche scientifichee metodi della loro realizzazione: esperienza mondiale e realtа domestiche : raccolta di articoli scientifici «ΛΌГOΣ» con gli atti della II Conferenza scientifica e pratica internazionale, Bologna, 12 novembre 2021. – Bologna ; Vinnytsia : Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana& Piattaforma scientifica europea, 2021. – T. 3. – P. 57–60.978-617-7991-76-1978-617-7991-57-0978-88-31277-21-1 is one of the most common chronic inflammatory recurrent multifactorial skin diseases dominated by genetic etiology [1,5,9], which is characterized by hyperproliferation of epidermal cells, impaired keratinization against the background of an inflammatory reaction in the dermis, as well as damage to nails, joints and hair. parts of the head [5,8]. According to clinical and epidemiological studies, the prevalence of this disease in the world varies from 0.5 to 4.6%, regardless of gender, age and ethnicity [1,4,6,8]. The proportion of this pathology in the general structure of skin diseases reaches from 1 to 40%. On the basis of clinical signs, the following types of psoriasis are distinguished: chronic plaque psoriasis; psoriasis with psoriatic arthritis; pustular, erythroderma, or guttate psoriasis, palmar -plantar psoriasis.Most researchers assign the leading role in the mechanism of development of psoriasis to the genetic theory [1,4,6,8,], and among the provoking factors -traumatic, physical, chemical, drug, biological, infectious, as well as maladapted nutrition and psychogenic stress [1, 4,5,6,8].enultraviolet therapypsoriasisPUVA therapyskin diseasesUsing of narrow-wave ultraviolet therapy in patients with psoriasis to improve the quality of treatmentThesis10.36074/logos-12.11.2021.v3.16001(08)