Irbutaeva, Nigora DilshodovnaVladymyrova, ValentynaShevchenko, OlenaLeshchenko, TetyanaВладимирова, Валентина ІванівнаШевченко, Олена МиколаївнаЛещенко, Тетяна Олександрівна2023-08-292023-08-292023Professionally important qualities of medical students / N. Irbutaeva, V. Vladymyrova, O. Shevchenko, T. Leshchenko // Ta‘lim, fan va innovatsiya. – 2023. – № 3. – С. 28–31.2181-8274 article is aimed to reveal the professionally important qualities of medical students with different self-assessment. The professional growth of a modern doctor during higher education current scientific views problems are presented. The medical specialist’s most important psychological characteristics are described. The professionally important qualities (communicative and organizational abilities, motivation to succeed) in groups of subjects with different self-esteem empirical research results are analyzed.enmedical studentscommunicative and organizational skills of medical studentsprofessionally important personality traitsprofessionalization of medical studentsprofessionally important qualities of medical studentsProfessionally important qualities of medical studentsArticle159.942:331.548