Sasiela, K.2022-06-212022-06-212022Sasiela K. Proces wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka z niedokształceniem mowy o typie afazji motorycznej – studium przypadku / K. Sasiela // Сучасні тренди розвитку медичної освіти: перспективи і здобутки : матеріали навч.-наук. конф. з міжнар. участю, м. Полтава, 24 березня 2022 р. – Полтава, 2022. – С. 251–253. article concerns the process of early support for the development of children with motor aphasia due to speech underdevelopment. The case study was devoted to a 7-year-old boy who struggles with the speech defect of childhood aphasia on a daily basis. The first part of the article concerns the methods used by educators, speech therapists, and psychologists in kindergarten and in the boy's family. The second part is devoted to the organization of psychological and pedagogical help. Finally, the child's developmental progress achieved at the turn of 2018-2021 is discussed on the basis of the boy's personal documents and his own research.otherspecial pedagogythe speech underdevelopment of aphasic typemotor aphasiacase studyearly support for the child's developmentspeech development disordersdelayed speech developmentProces wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka z niedokształceniem mowy o typie afazji motorycznej – studium przypadkuArticle