Maryniak, D. K.Hryn, V. HМариняк, Дар'я КостянтинівнаГринь, Володимир ГригоровичМариняк, Дарья КонстантиновнаГринь, Владимир Григорьевич2021-06-182021-06-182020Maryniak D. K. Study of bloodstream of the white rats stomach and small intestine / D. K. Maryniak ; scientific adviser : V. H. Hryn // 20th ZIMS Zagreb International Medical Summit for students and young doctors : abstract book of Medical Summit (Zagreb, Croatia, 1–5 december 2020) // Liječnički Vjesnik. – 2020. – Vol. 142, Num. Supl. 5 Str. – P. 47.0024-3477 (Tisak)1849-2177 (On-line) In the stomach, the highest concentration of blood microvessels is in the glandular part. In the small intestine, the typical principle of the microvasculature organization of its mucous membrane is modified within the duodenum, which is related to the presence of Brunner’s glands and group of Peyer’s patches. Conclusion: The results of injecting blood vasculature of white rats’ gastrointestinal tract with ink mass clearly demonstrate the specific difference within the intraorganic angioarchitecture of its different regions.enbloodstreammucous membranesmall intestinestomachStudy of bloodstream of the white rats stomach and small intestineВивчення кровопостачання шлунка і тонкої кишки білих щурівИзучение кровоснабжения желудка и тонкой кишки белых крысThesis