Tkachenko, O.Khairddine, H.Moukrish, M. A.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2023-11-272023-11-272023Tkachenko O. Blood indices reference intervals assessment with the typological aspects taking into consideration and these data applying at Laboratory and Clinical Diagnostics lessons with the International faculty students / O. Tkachenko, H. Khairddine, M. A. Moukrish // The XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “The latest information and communication technologies in education” (November 27-29 2023, Florence, Italy). – Florence, 2023. – P. 269–272. article is devoted to the problems having not only theoretical but big applied significance while being worldwide. Blood, as a mirror, reflects all processes in alive organism both under physiological and pathological conditions. Blood system pathology is met very often in different countries and still there are many questions on its ethiology, pathologenesis, clinics, diagnostics and prevention. Blood indices references give information about blood system condition to the doctors of any medical speciality. The students should manage hematological methods among which total blood is one of the most simple to be performed and important especially if it is interpreted correctly. Many countries and countries parts are still distinguished by routine investigative methods applying. Both internal and external contributive factors are discussed in a scientific literature. It is impossible to miss typological aspects taking into consideration when we speak and write about them. Populational Physiology and Genetics help to understand ethnic typological aspect impact separately and together with the others. Our International faculty students use an approach of typological aspects taking into obligatory consideration at their lessons in Laboratory and Clinical Diagnostics. In part, they make reports or send answers about Laboratory and Clinical Diagnostics methods and approaches in Hematology, blood references peculiarities, blood system state investigative methods in their native countries.enInternational faculty studentsInternational studentsblood system state laboratory and clinical diagnostics,blood indicesblood parameterstotal blood analysisblood indexes reference intervalsleukemic stem cells immunoprofilingpregnancyblood indices ranges at pregnancytypological aspectstypologiestypological belongingblood system physiologylymphocytosislymphocytosisBlood indices reference intervals assessment with the typological aspects taking into consideration and these data applying at Laboratory and Clinical Diagnostics lessons with the International faculty studentsThesis