Nevoit, G. V.Filiunova, O.Potyazhenko, M. M.Mintser, O. P.Bumblyte, I. A.Vainoras, A.Невойт, Ганна ВолодимирівнаФілюнова, ОленаПотяженко, Максим МакаровичМінцер, Озар ПетровичБумблите, Інга АрунеВайнорас, Альфонсас Леонардович2024-01-122024-01-122023-12Modern biophysical view of electromagnetic processes of the phenomenon of life of living biological systems as a promising basis for the development of complex medicine: towards the concept of Bioelectronic Medicine / G. Nevoit, O. Filiunova, M. Potyazhenko [et al.] // Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences. – 2023. – Vol. 6, №. 2. – P. 1–17.2538-7995 publication of the results of a theoretical study on the conceptualization of Bioelectronic Medicine continues a series of articles on the role of electromagnetic processes in the implementation of the phenomenon of life. The authors, based on modern biophysical fundamental knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body at the micro level of its structure (nanolevel and deeper) and the concepts of the Magnetoelectrochemical theory of metabolism, developed the main ideological concepts of the scientific direction “Bioelectronic Medicine” as a component for the further development of complex medicine. General scientific methods and theoretical methods were used in this theoretical study. The result of this theoretical research was the extrapolation of modern biophysical fundamental data on the structure of the microcosm of matter to medical knowledge about humans. It is proposed to call the resulting scientific direction the term “Bioelectronic medicine”. A conceptualization of the obtained fundamental ideas was made, three basic concepts and seven main aspects of “Bioelectronic Medicine” were formulated.enbioelectronic medicineбіоелектронна медицинабиоэлектронная медицинаcomplex medicineкомплексна медицинакомплексная медицинаmagnetoelectrochemical theory of metabolismмагнітоелектрохімічна теорія метаболізмумагнитоэлектрохимическая теория метаболизм;quantum levelквантовий рівеньквантовий рівеньmedical progressмедичний прогресмедицинский прогрессmedical progressModern biophysical view of electromagnetic processes of the phenomenon of life of living biological systems as a promising basis for the development of complex medicine: towards the concept of Bioelectronic MedicineСучасний біофізичний погляд на електромагнітні процеси феномена життя живих біологічних систем як перспективна основа розвитку комплексної медицини: концептуалізація біоелектронної медициниArticle