Marichereda, V. G.Melnyk, S. B.Borshch, V. I.Terzi, O. O.Lyakhova, N. A.Марічереда, Валерія ГеннадіївнаМаричереда, Валерия ГеннадьевнаМельник, Світлана БорисівнаМельник, Светлана БорисовнаБорщ, Вікторія ІгорівнаБорщ, Виктория ИгоревнаТерзі, Олена ОлександрівнаТерзи, Елена АлександровнаЛяхова, Наталія ОлександрівнаЛяхова, Наталия Александровна2020-09-042020-09-042020-06Organizational, regulatory and legal aspects of european integration of higher medical education in Ukraine: a critical review / V. G. Marichereda, S. B. Melnyk, V. I. Borshch, O. O. Terzi, N. A. Lyakhova // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2020. – Vol. LXXIII, Issue 6. – P. 1290–1295.0043-5147 aim: The main purpose of this research is to conduct the theoretical and applied study of the legal profile enforcement for state attestation of medical graduates, the relevant legislative system, and its effectiveness; to identify the issues of special legislative requirements, as well as the search for ways to resolve it. Materials and methods: Basic methods: analysis, synthesis and comparison. Object of research: system of state certification of graduates of medical sciences. Investigation of this topic in the paper is carried out in the following logical sequence: firstly, the basic principles of the state integrated qualification exam were determined and analyzed; then the legal enforcement for integrated state qualification exam of master’s degree in discipline “22 Health Care” was considered. Also, a critical review of Ukrainian normative base for holding the state attestation of medical graduates was conducted. Conclusions: In view of foregoing, we can make a conclusion that in the modern globalization world, competition of national educational services should be ensured by a range of different activities: legal, organizational, financial, etc. The legal direction, domestic rules should correspond to similar, uniform rules and practices of the most effective state (regional, international) systems.enstate attestation of medical graduateshigher medical educationorganizational and legislative requirements for the qualification examcompetitiveness of higher medical educationOrganizational, regulatory and legal aspects of european integration of higher medical education in ukraine: a critical reviewArticle10.36740/WLek202006141