Гальчанська, О. А.Воронкова, О. С.Гальчанская, А. А.Воронкова, О. С.Galchanskaya, A. A.Voronkova, O. S.2020-12-282020-12-282017Гальчанська О. А. Аналіз розповсюдження вірусу сказу / О. А. Гальчанська, О. С. Воронкова // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 4, т. 2 (140). – С. 42–45.2523-41102077-4214https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14471Встановлено, що використання одночасно двох методів лабораторної діагностики сказу – методу флуоресцентних антитіл та біопроби на білих мишах – є ефективною методикою постановки надійного діагнозу: серед загальної кількості досліджених зразків вказаними методами у 2016 р. підтверджено 58 випадків інфікування. Найнижчий показник виявлення вірусного сказу у період 2011-2016 рр. спостерігався у Дніпропетровському районі, найвищі у Васильківському, П’ятихатському та Магдалинівському районах. Ретроспективний аналіз поширення вірусного сказу у Дніпропетровській області вказує на наявність піків захворюваності у 2010 та 2013 рр. та наступний спад до теперішнього часу.Установлено, что использование одновременно двух методов лабораторной диагностики бешенства – метода флуоресцентных антител и биопробы на белых мышах – является эффективным для постановки надежного диагноза: среди общего количества исследованных образцов указанными методами в 2016 г. подтверждено 58 случаев инфицирования. Самый низкий показатель выявления вирусного бешенства в период 2011-2016 гг. наблюдался в Днепропетровском районе, самые высокие в Васильковском, Пятихатском и Магдалиновском районах. Ретроспективный анализ распространения вирусного бешенства в Днепропетровской области указывает на наличие пиков заболеваемости в 2010 и 2013 гг. и на последующий спад до настоящего времени.The viruses of genus Lissavirus, which causes rabies, includes numerous viruses, similar in antigenic determinants, but differing in host range, virulence, infectious titer, adaptive properties, and the ability to form cytoplasmic inclusions. The spreading of rabies is still a topical issue due to the high contagiousness of the virus and its circulation in animals, in particular, in cats, dogs, cattle and foxes and a significant frequency of detection of cases of infection of these animals each year, a part of which correlate with infection of human. Today, the main mechanisms for the spread of rabies are well known, there are very reliable means of preventing the disease and developed a strategy to combat infection, however, despite all the rabies can not be completely eradicated, so an important task remains its constant monitoring to prevent mass infection. The aim of the research is to analyze the spreading of Rhabdoviruses in the Dnipropetrovsk region on the basis of laboratory research data. The brain of animals suspected of being infected was tested for the diagnosis of rabies virus infection. To detect the virus, a biological test method with use of white mice and a fluorescent antibody method (MFA) were used. During examining of 101 samples of biological material from animals suspected of rabies, 58 cases of infection were confirmed, which was 57.4%. In MFA, 49 cases of infection were detected and 9 were detected too using a method of bioprobe and subsequently confirmed by the MPA. In 43 cases diagnosis of rabies was not confirmed (42.6%). According to the analysis, the main risk group was foxes, which accounted for 18 (31.1%) positive results. It was also found that 12 (20.7%) dogs, 8 (13.8%) of bovine animals, 8 (13.8%) cats, 7 (12.1%) squirells, 2 (3.4%) raccoon dogs, 2 (3.4%) martens and 1 (1,7%) goat. Consequently, it can be noted that the frequency of detection of cases among domestic and wildlife animals was practically the same, which indicates significant risks of population damage. At the same time, it should be noted that homeless animals are the main risk group in the environment of human, more than 75% of the pathological material from cats and dogs is obtained from such individuals. Analysis of the frequency of detection of a rabies virus in the Dnipropetrovsk region in the period of 2010-2016 allowed to establish that the largest outbreak of rage occurred in the region in 2010, when 157 cases were detected. In 2011-2012, the incidence of rabies dropped to 45-51 cases, respectively. In comparison with 2010, the outbreak took place in 2013, when 98 cases were detected, after which there is a steady tendency to reduce the number of cases to 58 in 2016. In order to establish special risks, an analysis of the frequency of cases of rabies in different regions of the Dnipropetrovsk region was performed. It was determined that the regions with most risk were Vasylkivsky, Pyatihatsky and Magdalinivsky districts, where the total number of cases in the period of 2011-2016 was 33, 31 and 30, respectively. The maximal number of cases per year – 10 – was detected in 2012 in Sinelnikovsky and Yurivskyi districts, indicating the need for continuous monitoring of the spread of the virus, which is detected in all areas of the region. The district of the smallest risk is Dnipropetrovsk, where for the research years found only 8 cases of rabies. The rabies virus is one of the most severe human and animal lesion and poses a significant life-threatening hazard, and its monitoring is a necessary element for developing effective measures to prevent the spread of the virus by identifying risk groups and regions with a high incidence.ukвірус сказучастота виявленнятваринибіопробаметод флуоресцентних антитілвирус бешенствачастота выявленияживотныебиопробаметод флюоресцирующих антителrabies virusfrequency of determinationanimalsbioprobemethod of fluorescent antibodiesАналіз розповсюдження вірусу сказуАнализ распространения вируса бешенстваDistribution features rhabdoviridaeArticle578.76+578.824