Hryn, VolodymyrKostylenko, YurijSvintsytska, NataliaBilash, ValentynaLytovka, VolodymyrГринь, Володимир ГригоровичКостиленко, Юрій ПетровичСвінцицька, Наталія ЛеонідівнаБілаш, Валентина ПавлівнаЛитовка, Володимир Вікторович2022-06-202022-06-202022The issue of histological identification of m-cells in the peyer’s patches of albino rat small intestine / V. Hryn, Yu. Kostylenko, N. Svintsytska [et al.] // Wiadomosci Lekarskie. – 2022. – Vol. LXXV, issue 5, part 2. – P. 1133–1136. aim: Based on the above cytological signs of M-ceiis, we set the goal o f more detailed clarification o f some of their topological relationships with other enterocytes in the follicle-associated epithelium of Peyer's patches of albino rat small intestine. Materials and methods: 10 mature albino male rats weighted 200,0+20,0 g were involved into the study. Anatomical dissection with the sampling o f the sections of the small intestine containing Peyer's patches was carried out with subsequent embedment of the latter into paraffin blocks and making o f serial histological sections o f4 [im thick in the cross-section o f the small intestine, followed with hematoxylin-eosin staining. The specimens were studied and documented on the"Konus" light microscope equipped. Morphometric characteristics o f the specimen tissue structures were studied using the Sigeta X 1 mm/100 Div.x0.01 mm stage micrometer. Results: The findings of the study revealed enterocytes with phagocytic properties found in the lymphoid-associated epithelium of Peyer's patches o f the small intestine o f albino rats. Moreover, if they are clearly visualized at the light-optical level, then M-ceiis are poorly recognizable, which is consistent with a similar assessment made by other authors. Conclusions: Given this, the issue on the topology and functional purpose of M-ceiis remains uncertain to date and, thereby, the prospect o f further research is being outlined, which, in our opinion, can be successful using the method o f stereomorphological analysis. For this purpose, multilayer plastic reconstruction methods can be used for serial semi-thin sections o f Peyer's patches embedded in epoxy resin, according to the requirements of transmission electron microscopy.enLymphoid-associated epitheliumPeuer`s patchessmall intestineabino retsM-cellsphagoyitic enterocytesThe issue of histological identification of m-cells in the peyer’s patches of albino rat small intestineArticle