Shkurupiy, D. A.Шкурупій, Дмитро АнатолійовичШкурупий, Дмитрий Анатольевич2020-02-242020-02-242018Shkurupiy D. A. Сharacteristic of intraoperative temperature homeostasis and prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia / D. A. Shkurupiy // Світ біології і медицини. – 2018. – № 2 (64). – С. 109–112.2079-8334616-089 : 612[51+563] aim of research is to determine the characteristics of intraoperative temperature homeostasis and develop methods of prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia. The study included study of temperature homeostasis in 160 surgical patients. The patients of the test group were operated on in the conditions of correction of their temperature homeostasis was provided by local applying of polyethylene terephthalate polymer coating. The patients of the control group underwent surgeries without using any techniques aimed to correct their temperature homeostasis. Was found out a progressive decrease in temperature in all parts of the body as well as in integral indicators of temperature homeostasis in the intraoperative period. The most pronounced decrease in the temperature of the surgical patients was observed at 60th minute of the surgical procedure was observed on the skin of hips and arms. Prevention of decrease in the temperature was possible by insulating thighs and arm of the patients with shielding materials.enpublic healthhealth promotion strategymedical workerspreventive workdisease preventionохорона здоров'ястратегія зміцнення здоров'ямедичні працівникипрофілактична роботапрофілактика захворюваньобщественное здоровьестратегия помощи здоровьямедицинские работникипрофилактическая работапрофилактика болезнейСharacteristic of intraoperative temperature homeostasis and prevention of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermiaХарактеристика внутріопераціонного температурного гомеостазу та профілактика ненавмисної інтраопераційної гіпотерміїХарактеристика внутриоперационного температурного гомеостаза и профилактика непреднамеренной интраоперационной гипотермииArticle10.26724 / 2079-8334-2018-2-64-109-112