Digtiar, N.Gerasimenko, N.Lavrenko, А.Avramenko, Ya.Дігтяр, Наталія ІванівнаГерасименко, Наталія ДмитрівнаЛавренко, Анна ВолодимирівнаАвраменко, Яніна Миколаївна2023-12-132023-12-132023Innovative issues of improving the quality of the educational process / N. Digtiar, N. Gerasimenko, А. Lavrenko, Ya. Avramenko // Сучасні проблеми вивчення медико-екологічних аспектів здоров’я людини : збірка тез та статей наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. з міжнар. участю, м. Полтава, 19–20 жовтня 2023 р. – Полтава, 2023. – С. 188–189.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22456In today's conditions of an ever-increasing flow of information, which previously a person received throughout his life, modernization of the educational space is needed, based on innovative strategies using the latest achievements of science and practice. It is not so much necessary to transfer to students the amount of this or that knowledge, but to teach them to acquire this knowledge independently, to be able to navigate in the information space, to use the acquired knowledge, which in general contributes to the development of critical thinking and the formation of professional competences, which will be used in the future in the conditions of continuous self-educationenInnovative issues of improving the quality of the educational processThesis