Sydorova, Alla I.Lyashenko, Lila I.Pavlenkova, Elena V.Pavlenko, Svetlana A.Lobach, Larysa M.Сидорова, Алла ІванівнаЛяшенко, Лілія ІванівнаПавленкова, Олена ВікторівнаПавленко, Світлана АнатоліївнаЛобач, Лариса Миколаївна2022-10-252022-10-252021-08Bruxism as a marker of violation of psychological adaptation in computer game players / A. I. Sidorova, L. I. Lyashenko, E. V. Pavlenkova, S. A. Pavlenko, L. M. Lobach // Acta Balneologica. – 2021. – T. LXIII, № 3 (164). – P. 200–202. study the relationship between the psycho-emotional state of computer game players with the development of bruxism, its early diagnosis in people at risk, increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures in people with this pathology.enbruxismmasticatory musclescomputer gamesaddictionBruxism as a marker of violation of psychological adaptation in computer game playersArticle10/36740/ABAL202103113