Сакевич, Вікторія ДмитрівнаТрибрат, Тетяна АнатоліївнаШуть, Світлана ВолодимирівнаСакевич, Виктория ДмитриевнаТрибрат, Татьяна АнатольевнаШуть, Светлана ВладимировнаSakevich, V.Tribrat, T.Shut, S.2017-10-042017-10-042014Сакевич В. Д. Атопія і метаболічний синдром:обґрунтування патогенетичних підходів до діагностики, лікування та профілактики / В. Д. Сакевич, Т. А. Трибрат, С. В. Шуть // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2014. – Т. 3 (115), Вип. 4. – С.30–33.УДК 616.1/.4 – 056 – 89.5– 07– 08 – 084https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/593В оглядовій статті приведені дані літератури, присвячені обгрунтуванню патогенетичних підходів до діагностики, лікування та профілактики атопії та метаболічного синдрому.Однак, сучасні літературні дані є недостатні , а часом і суперечливі щодо клініко - функціональних особливостей перебігу БА та АР, атопічної триади на тлі МС , про зв'язок між вираженістю компонентів МС та ступенем тяжкості зазначених патологій, ступенем алергічного запалення, не розроблені рекомендації щодо раннього виявлення компонентів МС у пацієнтів з поєднаною патологією та їх лікування та профілактики; В обзорной статье приведены данные литературы, посвященные обоснованию патогенетических подходов к диагностике, лечению и профилактике атопии и метаболического синдрома; Однако, современные литературные данные недостаточные, а порой и противоречивы по клинико – функциональным особенностям течения БА и АР, атопической триаде на фоне МС, о связи между выраженностью компонентов МС и степенью тяжести указанных патологий, уровнем сенсибилизации больных к аллергенам, степенью аллергического воспаление, не разработаны рекомендации по раннему выявлению компонентов МС у пациентов с сочетанной патологией и их лечения и профілактики; Over the last decade, the frequency of allergic diseases has significantly increased, especially in economically developed countries and countries with not good ecological situation according to the forecast of some scientists of twenty-first century will be the century of allergic diseases. Such wide-spread allergic diseases, in particular, such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis are becoming more and more urgent and serious problem year by year. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis (AR) over the past century has increased by dozens of times. In the world the population of from 10 up to 40% of all age groups suffers from AR. In 2007 compared with 2006 the incidence of allergic rhinitis in Ukraine increased by 6.5 % and is 113.0 per 100 thousand of the adult population (in 2006 – 106.1). Information about the incidence of AR in Ukraine are mainly recorded if there is appeal of patient, therefore, they do not show the true prevalence of this disease. Traditionally, the symptoms AR are paid little attention both by patients and, unfortunately, doctors. The importance of this issue is caused by the fact that AR is closely connected with such spread diseases as acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and it is also one of the risk factors of bronchial asthma (BA).Metabolic syndrome (MS), syndrome X is the pathogenetically interrelated metabolic abnormalities in the condition of a patient. There is a large complex of factors involved in the occurrence of metabolic syndrome, and this does not allow carrying out an accurate scientific understanding of its pathophysiological mechanisms. The MS prevalence among the adult population in different countries is also quite large; it reaches up to 25-35 % and starts becoming of epidemic character. This is primarily caused with a high prevalence of worldwide obesity. Obesity contributes to the development of arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease; diabetes mellitus (DM) of 2nd type, heart failures, cardiac arrhythmias, stroke, gallstones, osteoarthritis deformans, cancer of large intestine, prostate, uterus, ovaries, breast, there is a directly proportional connection between body weight and total mortality.In recent years, the attention of scientists all over the world is increasingly drawn to the problem of co-morbidities, which is one of the most difficult that doctors face. This is especially important concerning the widespread and socially significant diseases, including allergic pathology and MS.It is found out a link between changes in the living conditions of people and the incidence of allergic pathology and that improvement in living conditions contributes to the growth of not only obesity, but also of morbidity with asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. This allows to consider the allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis, as “diseases of modernization", the risk of which increases with improving nutrition and increasing the weight of the person and it is not limited only with the increasing body weight. Obesity contributes to bronchial hyperresponsiveness caused by physical loads both at BA and without it. Up to date there are a lot of controversial issues concerning to the frequent development of hypertension at patients with allergic pathology. The deterioration of bronchial obstruction at patients, who suffer from BA and AH, is often accompanied by a rise of AD, although some patients have the reducing hypertensive crises. Also there is no exact answer to the question whether the pathological process at atopy promotes the developing hyperglycemia or other factors cause possible links between BA and DM (e.g. change of compliance, level of physical activity, the impact by such children`s parents and ect. ) However, modern literary data are insufficient and sometimes they are contradictory clinical concerning to the functional characteristics of the course BA, BA and AR, atopic triadi on the background of MS , the connection between the severity of MS components and the severity of these abnormalities, the level of sensitization of patients to home and inhalant allergens, the degree of allergic inflammation, content of serum biomarkers in the blood (immunoglobulin E interleukin -4, 10), there is no developed recommendations on early detection of MS components at patients with combined pathology.ukатопіяінсулінорезистентністьметаболічний синдроможирінняартеріальна гіпертензіяатопияинсулинорезистентностьметаболический синдроможирениеартериальная гипертензияatopyinsulin resistancemetabolic syndromeobesityhypertensionАтопія і метаболічний синдром: обгрунтування патогенетичних підходів до діагностики, лікування та профілактики.Атопия и метаболический синдром: обоснование патогенетических подходов к диагностике, лечению и профилактике.Atopy and Metabolic syndrome: the rationale of pathogenetic approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention.Article