Табурець, Олеся ВолодимирівнаГрінченко, O. О.Дворщенко, К. О.Верещака, В. В.Остапченко, Л. І.Табурец, Олеся ВладимировнаГринченко, О. О.Дворщенко, Е. О.Остапченко, Л. И.Taburets, O. V.Grinchenko, O. O.Dvorschenko, K. O.Vereschaka, V. V.Ostapchenko, L. I.2019-10-092019-10-092017Вплив меланіну на прооксидантно-оксидантний гомеостаз у сироватці крові за умов різаної рани шкіри щурів / О. В. Табурець, О. О. Грінченко, К. О. Дворщенко [та ін.] // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 1 (135). – С. 191–196.2523-41102077-4214УДК 616-001.4-085.33:615.03.032:612-092.9https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11015Изучено влияние фармакологической композиции на основе меланина на интенсивность перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) в сыворотке крови при экспериментальной резаной ране. Результаты исследования показали положительное влияние фармакологической композиции на основе меланина на процессы свободнорадикального окисления и репаративной регенерации в условиях экспериментальной резаной раны. Показано, что использование меланина влияет на интенсивность процесов ПОЛ в крови, снижая количество первичных и вторичных продуктов и повышая активность ферментов антиоксидантной системы; Now it is considered, that melanin is promising for application in medicine and pharmacology. Study of wound-healing action was conducted on model of full-thickness skin wound. The efficiency of wounds treatment with Melanin that is produced by Antarctic black yeast-like fungi Nadsoniella nigra strain X1-M from vertical cliffs on the island Galindez (Antarctica) on the full-thickness skin wound model was studied. «Melanin-gel» (0.1% melanin dissolved in 0.5% carbopol) had antimicrobial property against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, that is one of the mechanisms of wound healing. Application of the «Melanin-gel» on wound area enhanced wound cleaning from dead tissue and reduced eschar, stimulated the early growth of granulation tissue, and improved epithelialization of the wound. Objective. The purpose of this paper is to study the indices of pro- and antioxydative system (contens of dienic conjugates, schiff bases, TBA-active products, activity of catalase and superoxyd dismutase) in blood serum during full-thickness skin wound healing without treatment and with application of new pharmaceutical composition based on melanin for rats with experimental wounds. Methods. Experiments conducted in accordance with international principles of the European Convention for the Protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes, according to the Law of Ukraine of 21.02.2006 № 3447-IV «On protection of animals from cruelty». Research was conducted on white laboratory female rats weighing 200-250 g, which were divided into four groups. In each model animals experimental skin wounds without drugs were used as a control (first group). Wounds of rats of second group were treated only with 0,5% carbopol (universal solvent drugs to make them gel-like consistency, Carbopol 980). Animals of third group got 0,1% melanin (produced by Antarctic black yeast-like fungi Nadsoniella nigra, strain X1-M, and received by us microbiologically) dissolved in 0,5% carbopol for wounds’ healing. Animals of fourth group without experimental skin wounds were used as an intact animals. Before the experiment, the rats were kept in quarantine and were marked by given them notches on ears. When animas were injured they were anesthetized by sodium thiopental (Biochemie GmbH / Austria), at a dosage of 50 mg/kg. Before the experiment epilation was performed in the shoulder-blade area. Model of full-thickness skin wound. Plate wounds are reproduced on epilated skin in anesthetized rats. To do this, skin is cut using surgical scalpel and forceps, 1 × 1sm2. Treatment begins immediately after wounds reproduction until healing. Statistical processing of experimental results was carried out in «Statistica 10» (StatSoft, Inc.). Type of data distribution in groups was checked with Shapiro-Wilk test. As data were distributed normally (p > 0,05), two-way ANOVA was conducted to determine the significance of difference between means with Bonferroni post test. Difference between means was judged as statistically significant if p ≤ 0,05. Mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for each group. Results. Causing the rats of experimental wounds was caused by substantial unbalance of prooxydant-antioxydant homeostasis which fully was not restored even by the end of supervisions (30th days). Application of new pharmaceutical composition based on melanin for rats with experimental wounds already to the middle of research (15th days) stipulated complete normalization of peroxide oxygenation of lipids and renewal of activity of antioxidant enzymes in blood and skin of rats that was accompanied speed-up healing of wounds on the average on 7th days (or on 26%) as compared to the untreated rats of control group.ukрізана ранаокисно-антиоксидантний балансантиоксидантні ферментисироватка кровірезаная ранаокислительно-антиоксидантный балансантиоксидантные ферментысыворотка кровиfull-thickness skin woundoxidative/antioxidant balanceantioxidant enzymesblood serumВплив меланіну на прооксидантно-оксидантний гомеостаз у сироватці крові за умов різаної рани шкіри щурівВлияние меланина на прооксидантно-оксидантный гомеостаз в сыворотке крови в условиях резаной раны кожи крысInfluence of the melanin on the state of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in blood serum at the rats with the full-thickness skin woundArticle