Smaglyuk, L.Liakhovska, A.Смаглюк, Любов ВікентіївнаЛяховська, Анастасія Віталіївна2018-10-052018-10-052016Smaglyuk L. Evaluation in EMG-activity of masticatory muscles in the functional correction in adolescent girls with disorders of sexual development / L. Smaglyuk, A. Liakhovska // British Journal of Educational and Scientiic Studies. – 2016. – № 1 (23). – P. 797–802.0007-100X article is devoted to changes in the EMG-activity of masticatory muscles in adolescent girls with disorders of sexual development. The publication focuses on functional correction of these changes and improvement of values of EMG-activity as objective evaluation of treatment resultsenadolescent girlsEMG-activitymasticatory musclesdisorders of sexual developmentEvaluation in EMG-activity of masticatory muscles in the functional correction in adolescent girls with disorders of sexual developmentOther