Tkachenko, E. V.Kiani, M.Almagri, A.Ткаченко, Олена Вікторівна2021-02-252021-02-252015Tkachenko E. V. Locus of control and behavioral strategies in HSEEU “UMSA” dental students from Iran and Iraq / E. V. Tkachenko, M. Kiani, A. Almagri // Роль сучасної медицини у житті людини та її місце у формуванні здорового способу життя : зб. матеріалів міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Львів, 27–28 березня 2015 р. – Львів : Львівська медична спільнота, 2015. – С. 53–56. it is known there exists a term «cognitive styles» including locus of control, behavioral strategies and reflectivity-impulsivity. They are studied in different countriesn part in Iran and Iraq. We met Iranian scientists work about interrelations between locus of control and academic degrees Other work touched necessity of determining theinternal and external locus of control in the patients with diabetes mellitus for thedoctor and the patient optimal conversation as well as following the therapy . Mother internal control locus in Iran is considered as positive for children creativity, for diabetes mellitus treatment in children in Yazd . Iranian scientists study locus of control in the students in gender aspect in Tabriz . Iranian scientists from Tarbiat Modares University as well asMedical school of Shahid Beheshti University proposed the term «creative defensivestrategies» for people with increased creativity. There is a work dedicated to comparison of Persian, Kurdish and Turkish ethnic groups in Iran on thissubject moreover in gender aspectencognitive stylesachievementasymmetryLocus of control and behavioral strategies in HSEEU “UMSA” dental students from Iran and IraqThesis