Pinchuk, V. A.Пінчук, Вікторія Анатоліївна2020-11-102020-11-102020Pinchuk V. A. Syllabus of neurology : educational methodological recommendations / V. A. Pinchuk. – Poltava, 2020. – 34 p. is one of the disciplines of the clinical stage of undergraduate physician training, during which the students learn theoretical basics, skills of neurological patients examination, methodology of making a diagnosis of a neurological disease, choice of treatment tactics and providing urgent medical care in case of medical emergencies. A special place is given to the study of acute conditions - disorders of the cerebral blood flow, neurological pain syndromes, disorders of the functions of the autonomic and peripheral nervous systems. A sick person with all his / her peculiarities is the main subject of study at lectures and practical classes. At practical classes the attention is paid to students' acquisition of examination skills, making topical and clinical diagnosis, treatment prescription and providing urgent medical care for patients with various diseases of the nervous system. It is important to give the students a flavor of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the origination of the nervous system diseases, methods of prevention of the nervous system disorders. Thus, neurology is an academic clinical discipline that studies the methods and techniques of clinical examination, features of professional communication of the doctor with the patient, subjective and objective manifestations of the disease (symptoms and syndromes), causes and mechanisms of their origin and development (semiology) with the purpose of making a diagnosis. The study of discipline carries out in two logical stages: the first − mastering of the basic methods of physical, instrumental and laboratory examination of the patient, after which students define a topical diagnosis of the nervous system disorder, and the second − clinical neurology, where students learn the theoretical bases of specific neurology (pathogenetic mechanisms of origin, features of clinics, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of nervous system diseases).ensyllabusneurologySyllabus of neurologyBook