Герасименко, Лариса ОлександрівнаГерасименко, Лариса АлександровнаHerasymenko, L.2018-03-192018-03-192015Герасименко Л. О. Принципи психосоціальної реабілітації жінок з невротичним розладами / Л. О. Герасименко // Вісник проблем біології та медицини. – 2015. – № 2. – С. 114–117.2077-4214УДК 616.89-008.1-085.851https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6853Комплексний підхід у терапії невротичних розладів у жінок, який включав в себе психофармакотерапію, сімейну психотерапію, психоосвітні програми, призводить до відновлення соціального та сімейного функціонування; Комплексный подход в терапии невротических расстройств у женщин, который включал в себя психофармакотерапию, семейную психотерапию, психообразовательные програмы, приводит к восстановлению социального и семейного функционирования; The purpose of the research was to study the efficacy and appropriateness of measures aimed at conducting psycho educational work with women suffering from neurotic disorders. Object and methods. To reach the objectives of the study 57 female subjects aged from 22 to 42 yrs have been examined at O. F. Maltsev Poltava Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital under conditions of the informed consent and in compliance with principles of bioethics and deontology. Neurotic disorders in the group of examined individuals have been assigned according to the IDC-10 diagnosis by the following way: 9(15,79 %) – adaptation disorders (F43. 2), 11(19,30 %) – obsessive-compulsive disorder (F42), 22 (38,59 %) – neurasthenia (F48), 15 (26,32 %) – posttraumatic stress-induced disorder (F48. 0). Results and Discussion. Psycho educational workshops have been conducted in the closed groups (i. e., no new members were allowed to participate in workshops after they had started) with a number of participants from 6 to 10 individuals. Each workshop was comprised of 12 programs, aimed at two correlated objectives. This is “education” itself, when the patient is informed about the mental disease, its adequate clinical course, timely detection and control of specific signs and symptoms of the disease. All 12 workshops have been conducted by psychiatrists with a frequency of 1-2 times a week and lasted from 45 min to 1 hour. To reach the objectives of the study an integrated model of psycho educational work has been used, comprising of application of various information modules, techniques of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, training interactions (information training, trainings on positive self-perception, trainings on compliance improvement, trainings on communicative skills and abilities formation, trainings on solving the interpersonal interaction problems), problem-oriented discussions, as well as family psychotherapy. The group work included the following variants of psycho educational interventions: teaching (mini-lecture), emotional support, motivation, advise, explanation, specification, objectiveness, interpretation. Psycho educational workshops enabled members of the group to enhance their knowledge, increase the confidence in overcoming the disease, improve communication skills and daily life habits, brought new solutions to existing problems, improve the level of social functioning; a patient’s sense of guilt became less intense (feel a sense of relief when they are “understood” by others, and are satisfied that they are not “crazy”). The trainings inspired them to solve the problem of dependence and independence, responsibility and self-assurance, and to form more independent and responsible lifestyle. Some women (74 %) have realized that they overcame their inner conflicts. Conclusions. The analysis of the efficacy of developed program has shown the following outcomes. Recovery has been registered in 70,6 % of all subjects from the main group of examined individuals; improvement of mental condition has been observed in 26,6 %; absence of dynamics in mental condition has been noted in 2,8 %; no cases of aggravation of mental condition have been found in the main group of patients. In comparison group the recovery index accounted for 41,1 %, improvement of mental condition – 32,1 %, absence of dynamics in mental condition has been noted in 23,2 % and aggravation of mental condition – in 3,6 %. Comparison of the results in the main and comparison group is in favor of the effectiveness of the developed psychosocial rehabilitation program, proved by a reliable prevalence of the recovery index and absence of patients with aggravated mental condition in the main group. Patients with no dynamics in mental condition during the therapy have been registered more frequently. It has been proved by evidence that women who involved their relatives into this therapeutic approach to the treatment have been experienced much less aggravations and recurrences of the disease, better improvement of tolerance and decreased duration of drug treatment, significant increase of the quality of life, social and family adaptation.ukневротичні розладисоціальне функціонуваннясімейне функціонуванняпсихоосвітні заняттяневротические расстройствасоциальное функционированиесемейное функционированиепсихообразовательные занятияneurotic disorderssocial functioningfamily functioningpsycho educational workshopsПринципи психосоціальної реабілітації жінок з невротичним розладамиПринципы психосоциальной реабилитации женщин с невротическим расстройствамиPrinciples of psychological and social rehabilitation of women with neurotic disordersArticle