Дев'яткіна, Тетяна ОлексіївнаДев'яткіна, Наталія МиколаївнаВажнича, Олена МитрофанівнаДевяткина, Татьяна АлексеевнаДевяткина, Наталья НиколаевнаВажничая, Елена МитрофановнаDevyatkina, T. O.Devyatkina, N. M.Vazhnycha, O. M.2018-07-092018-07-092017Дев’яткіна Т. О. Протективна дія екстракту Brassica oleracea при навантаженні організму ітрієм / Т. О. Дев’яткіна, Н. М. Дев’яткіна, О. М. Важнича // Вісник проблем біології і медицини. – 2017. – Вип. 3, т.1 (137). – С. 125–128.УДК 615.322: (546.64: 616-099)https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8355В експерименті на білих щурах-самцях відтворювали хронічне навантаження ітрієм та його фармакологічну корекцію сухим екстрактом капусти броколі (Brassica oleracea). Показано, що ітрією ацетат (175 мг/кг маси на добу) при щоденному пероральному введенні тваринам протягом 10-ти діб викликає розвиток оксидативного стресу та знижує ваговий індекс печінки на 14% у порівнянні з інтактним контролем. Сухий екстракт броколі в добовій дозі 25 мг/кг маси, який вводили протягом 10-ти діб одночасно з інтрію ацетатом, попереджує активацію перекисного окиснення ліпідів та зміни активності супероксиддисмутази у крові та внутрішніх органах і сприяє збереженню нормального вагового індексу печінки. В эксперименте на белых крысах-самцах воспроизводили хроническое нагрузки иттрием и его фармакологическую коррекцию сухим экстрактом капусты брокколи (Brassica oleracea). Показано, что иттрий ацетат (175 мг / кг массы в сутки) при ежедневном пероральном введении животным в течение 10-ти суток вызывает развитие оксидативного стресса и снижает весовой индекс печени на 14% по сравнению с интактным контролем. Сухой экстракт брокколи в суточной дозе 25 мг / кг массы, который вводили в течение 10-ти суток одновременно с интрию ацетат, предупреждает активацию перекисного окисления липидов и изменения активности супероксиддисмутазы в крови и внутренних органах и способствует сохранению нормального весового индекса печени. Recently, the attention of scientists is attracted by complex of flavonoids of broccoli (Brassica oleracea), which includes apigenin, luteolin, cyanidin, daidzein, genistein, glycatedine, biohanin A, formononetin, campferol and quercetin, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer activity, produce coronary prorotective and hypolipidemic effects, inhibit the development of bacteria. Drugs and supplements from Brassica oleracea are non-toxic and can be widely used to reduce the oxidative stress of various origin, in particular, caused by the rare earth elements, for example, yttrium. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of dry extract of overground part of broccoli cabbage (Brassica oleracea) on general-somatic parameters and the state of lipid peroxide oxidation (LPO) in laboratory animals under the conditions of chronic loading of the organism by yttrium.Object and methods. Experiments were performed on 22 albino male rats weighing 200-215 g, which were divided into 3 groups of 7-8 individuals: intact rats, animals with yttrium acetate (control pathology) and animals with the administration of yttrium salt and broccoli extract. Yttrium acetate was administered to animals with food for 10 days at a dose of 175 mg/kg of body weight per day. For pharmacological correction, a dry extract of the overground part of broccoli was administered to animals with food daily at a dose of 25 mg/kg body weight. At the end of the experiment, animals were sucrified under urethane anesthesia. The weight indices of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, thymus, spleen, stomach, and testicles were determined. The level of LPO in the blood and tissues was judged from the content of products that react with 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBC-active products) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The probability of the difference between the groups was estimated using a single-factor ANOVA dispersion analysis with Fisher’s LSD a posteriori test. Results and discussion. It has been established that 10-day administration of acetate yttrium to albino rats causes 14% decrease in liver weight index as compared to intact control. The weight indices of other organs do not undergo significant changes, which can be explained by a short term of the experiment, peculiarities of this yttrium salt pharmacokinetics and used route of administration. The use of broccoli extract normalizes the weight index of the liver and did not affect the rest of weight indices. Proceeding from the pathogenesis of changes in the liver due to the chronic effects of yttrium cations, the hepatoprotective effect of broccoli extract can be explained by its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.It has been shown that the administration of yttrium acetate leads to an increase in the content of TBC-active products in the blood, brain, liver, kidneys and a tendency to increase this parameter in the stomach as compared to intact control. The activity of SOD also are undergoing changes: activation of the enzyme occurs in the brain and its suppression – in the blood, liver and testicles. Such results confirm the data of other authors that the chronic administration of yttrium salt is accompanied by oxidative stress. Broccoli extract significantly reduces the violation of the prooxidant-antioxidant balance caused by yttrium excess. It is characterized by the normalization of the concentration of TBK-active products in the blood and brain, a decrease in their content in the heart, kidneys, stomach and testicles in comparison with control pathology. In the liver of animals that received the broccoli extract, the content of TBC-reagents is not only held at the level of intact control, but also shows a further decrease as compared to it. Limiting the LPO under the influence of broccoli extract is accompanied by appropriate changes in the activity of SOD, which increases in the blood, liver and testicles or decreases in the brain.Conclusion. The dry extract of the overground part of broccoli cabbage (Brassica oleracea) exhibits a protective effect by oral administration to laboratory animals against the background of chronic loading by yttrium acetate, preventing the activation of LPO and SOD suppression in the blood and internal organs and preventing a decrease in the relative weight of the liver.ukітрійсухий екстракт капусти броколіфлавоноїдиантиоксидантна діяyttriumdry extract of broccoli cabbageflavonoidsantioxidant actionПротективна дія екстракту Brassica oleracea при навантаженні організму ітріємПротективное действие экстракта Brassica oleracea при нагрузке организма иттриемProtective effect of brassica oleracea extract in the yttrium loading of the organismArticle