Tkachenko, ElenaJha, Sahil KumarAl-Madaineh, MohammedТкаченко, Олена Вікторівна2022-10-312022-10-312022Tkachenko E.V. Cultural awareness as biological, medical, psychological, pedagogical category: related questions and typological aspects taking into consideration / E. V. Tkachenko, S. K. Jha, M. Al-Madaineh // Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference “An overview of modern scientific research in various fields of science”, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 17–19 October 2022. – Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022. – P. 18–20. awareness assessment belongs to important problems of theoretical and applied branches of Science. There exist cultural neuroscience, developmental intergroup theory explaining and lowering children’s social stereotyping and prejudice (age and ethno-age typological aspects), the term “social brain in adolescence” (age and ethno-age typological aspects) with a consideration point about adolescence as a sensitive period for sociocultural processing (age and ethno-age typological aspects).encultural awarenessneurosciencecultural Neurosciencebiologyphysiologymedicinepedagogypsychologyethnographypediatryevolutionphylogenesisontogenesisbiogenetic lawgenetic mechanismsepigenetic mechanismsbig hemispheres cortex thicknesscognitive functions performancebig hemispheresmulti-modal associative areas in brain cortexcultural competenceInternational studentscultural adaptationcross-cultural adaptationforeign studentscultural adjustmentcross-cultural adjustmentmaternal-child nursingstimulation-based learningstimulation-based learning experiencetypological aspectshuman typologiesethnic typological aspectethnic groupsethno-age typological aspectethno-gender typological aspectCultural awareness as biological, medical, psychological, pedagogical category: related questions and typological aspects taking into considerationArticle