Tkachenko, Olena ViktorivnaAhmed, SaadAl-Jawabreh, Jad Sami JadallahТкаченко, Олена Вікторівна2023-06-292023-06-292023Tkachenko O. V. Some tendencies and distinguishing features of modern education of Pakistanian and other International students: connections to typological aspects / O. V. Tkachenko, Saad Ahmed, Al-Jawabreh Jad Sami Jadallah // Proceedings of the XXV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Promising ways of improving science and scientific solutions”, Warsaw, Poland (June 26–28, 2023). – Warsaw, 2023. – P. 119–121. authors continue their articles’ cycle dedicated to International students’ multi-faceted adaptation, its contributing factors in part the pedagogical ones, while paying the attention to acculturation stress and its predictors, crosscultural stress and shock prevention with essentiality to have proper counseling for International students by qualified psychologists and Tutors. English fluency is emphasized as important contributive factor of the International students adaptation, in part, the linguocultural one; reflective education is thought to be the only correct while pedagogical activity with the students from various countries because it defines individual approach to study on the base of the applicants’ typological belonging taking into obligatory consideration and because this education type provides significant adaptivity of the education process itself. Also the authors mention gender inequality at educational establishments in Pakistan for Afghan, Chinese, Nigerian, Gambian International students.enpedagogyeducation internalizationhigher education trends and policies in various countriesinternational studentsinternational applicantsinternational students exchangeacademic mobilityadaptationcultural adaptationcross-cultural adaptationtrans-cultural adaptationInternational students’ cultural adaptationInternational students’ cross-cultural adaptationInternational students’ trans-cultural adaptationhuman typologiestypological belongingtypological aspectsethnic typological aspectethno-gender-age typological aspectshuman rightsgenders’ equalitydys-adaptationdys-adjustmentadaptivityreflective education adaptivitylinguocultural adaptationSome tendencies and distinguishing features of modern education of Pakistanian and other International students: connections to typological aspectsThesis