Mershavka, D.2021-07-052021-07-052021Mershavka D. False friends of translators and consequences of their usage / D. Mershavka // Current Trends in the Study and Teaching of Foreign Languages : Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Online Conference (Poltava, 04 June 2021). – Poltava : Astraya, 2021 – P. 147–149. face a number of problems and often make mistakes in their difficult work. But the mistakes of people who have just begun to learn English are not terrible. But professional errors in their field have significant consequences.enхибні друзіперекладнаслідки перекладуfalse friendstranslationtranslation consequencesFalse friends of translators and consequences of their usageArticle378.147:811.111