Chekalina, N.Burmak, Y.Petrov, Ye.Borisova, Z.Manusha, Y.Kazakov, Yu.Kaidashev, I. P.Кайдашев, Ігор ПетровичЧекаліна, Наталія ІгорівнаБурмак, Юрій ГригоровичПетров, Євген ЄвгеновичБорисова, Зінаїда ОлексіївнаМануша, Юлія ІванівнаКазаков, Юрій Михайлович2018-05-082018-05-082018Quercetin reduces the transcriptional activity of NF-kB in stable coronary artery disease [Electronic resource] / N. Chekalina, Yu. Burmak, Ye. Petrov [et al.] // Indian Heart Journal. – 2018. – V. 70, Issue 5. – P. 593–597. – URL: aim of this study was to determine the effect of quercetin on the indicators of chronic systemic inflammation (CSI) in stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: This study included 85 patients with CAD, stable angina pectoris, functional class (FC) II, and heart failure (=F) 0-y. Each patient was prescribed beta-blockers, statins, and aspirin. In addition, a total of 30 patients, forming the study group received quercetin at a daily dose of 120 mg for two months, while the remaining 55 patients made up the control group. The levels of cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), interleukin-1b (IL-1b), and interleukin-10 (IL-10) in serum and the expression of the inhibitor of kappa B a (IkBa) gene in blood mononuclear cells, were determined.enCoronary artery diseaseQuercetinChronic systemic inflammationCytokinesNuclear factor of transcription kappa BQuercetin reduces the transcriptional activity of NF-kB in stable coronary artery diseaseArticle