Rud, MariiaStetsuk, YevhenShepitko, VolodymyrVilhova, OlenaРудь, Марія ВолодимирівнаСтецук, Євген ВалерійовичШепітько, Володимир ІвановичВільхова, Олена Вікторівна2022-09-152022-09-152022-08The influence of quercetin on biochemical changes in rat liver tissue on the background of central deprivation of luteinizing hormone synthesis / M. Rud, Ye. Stetsuk, V. Shepitko, O. Vilhova // Abstract book of the 22nd EAA Congress / 15th ISGA Congress 5th International Conference of Evolutionary Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 24–27, 2022. – Vilnius, 2022. – P. 199.978-609-07-0760-9 acetateThe influence of quercetin on biochemical changes in rat liver tissue on the background of cental deprivation of luteinizing hormone synthesisThesis