Pronina, O. M.Bilash, S. M.Koptev, M. M.Pirog-Zakaznikova, A. V.Kononov, B. S.Oliinichenko, Ya. O.Donchenko, S. V.Oleksiienko, V. V.Mamai, O. V.Проніна, Олена МиколаївнаБілаш, Сергій МихайловичКоптев, Михайло МиколайовичПирог-Заказнікова, Ангеліна ВалеріївнаКононов, Богдан СергійовичОлійніченко, Ярина ОлександрівнаДонченко, Світлана ВладиславівнаОлексієнко, Владислав ВіталійовичМамай, Олександр Володимирович2023-12-292023-12-292023Immunohistochemical characterization of mucosal glands of the human frontal sinus septum mucosa in normal state / O. M. Pronina, S. M. Bilash, M. M. Koptev, A. V. Pirog-Zakaznikova, B. S. Kononov, Ya. O. Oliinichenko, S. V. Donchenko, V. V. Oleksiienko, O. V. Mamai // Azerbaijan medical journal. – 2023. – № 4. – P. 134–1140.0005-2523 immunohistochemical characteristics of the glands of the mucous membrane of the septum of the human frontal sinus were studied in normal conditions. The study was conducted on 120 preparations of the glands of the mucous membrane of the septum of the frontal sinus in 52 corpses of people of both sexes aged from 30 to 87 years who died from causes not related to the pathology of the paranasal sinuses. Our study used such methods as collecting material from corpses and the subsequent method of preparing the material for histochemical studies, serial semi-thin sections, and immunohistochemical analysis. According to an immunohistochemical study, it was established that in the stroma of the septal glands, there are CD 3-positive cells, which are elements of the local protective barrier, as well as a large number of periacinar T-lymphocytes. The number of CD 20-positive cells is negligible in the periacinar connective tissue of the septum. The number of B lymphocytes in the periductal stroma was significant. Many plasma cells were identified in the periacinar stroma of both protein and mucous glands of the mucous membrane of the human frontal sinus. The cells formed chains of 10-12 cells along the basement membrane. The number of CD 138-positive cells in the periductal connective tissue was lower compared to the periacinar tissue.enmucosal glandshumanfrontal sinusmucosaimmunohistochemical analysisImmunohistochemical characterization of mucosal glands of the human frontal sinus septum mucosa in normal stateArticle10.34921/amj.2023.4.019