Shundryk, M. A.Marchenko, I. Y.Tkachenko, I. M.Boiko, V. V.Marchenko, V. Y.Sheshukova, O. V.Шешукова, Ольга ВікторівнаШундрик, Марина АркадіївнаМарченко, Ірина ЯрославівнаТкаченко, Ірина МихайлівнаБойко, Віктор ВолодимировичМарченко, Валерій Юрійович2021-02-082021-02-082020-09The value of dental examination for early diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system diseases / M. A. Shundryk, I. Y. Marchenko, I. M. Tkachenko [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2020. – Vol. LXXIII, issue 9, part II. – Р. 2017–2019. aim: The purpose of the study was to determine the correspondence between the location of the tongue median line and the degree of distortion of the vertebral column at different levels in children with scoliosis. Materials and methods: Totally 56 children (30 girls, 26 boys) aged 11-14 years were examined, with a duration of musculoskeletal disorders 1-3 years. For each participant an oral cavity examination was performed, the position of the middle line of the tongue was determined. X-ray images of vertebral column of the patients from investigated groups were analyzed. Results: In the group with 1year duration of the disease 25.02% patients had a violation of the medial line of the tongue, in the group with 2 years of duration of the disease - 65,52% participants had the deviation of the medial line of the tongue, in the group with 3 years of duration of the disease 86.66% of patients had the deviation of the medial line of the tongue.enposturescoliosiscentral line of the tongue deviationпоставаосанкасколіозцентральна лінія відхилення язикаЦентральная линия отклонения языкаThe value of dental examination for early diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system diseasesArticle10.36740/WLek202009223