Tymoshenko, O. V.Domina, Zh. G.Malechko, T. A.Lukiianchuk, V. L.Vykhliaiev, Yu. M.Liakhova, N. A.Kobylchenko, V. V.Ляхова, Наталія Олександрівна2023-02-172023-02-172022-10Correction of body posture disorders in young children of school age in the process of physical education classes / O. V. Tymoshenko, Z. G. Domina, T. A. Malechko, V. L. Lukiianchuk, Y. M. Vykhliaiev, N. A. Liakhova, V. V. Кobylchenko // Acta Balneol. – 2022. – T. LXIV, Nr 5 (171). – Р. 426–432.2082-1867https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20093enbody posture disorderscoordination skill6-10-years-old girlsphysical educationcorrectionCorrection of body posture disorders in young children of school age in the process of physical education classesArticle10.36740/ABAL202205109