Воронкова, Анна ВладимировнаШнайдер, Станислав АркадиевичВоронкова, Ганна ВолодимирівнаШнайдер, Станіслав АркадійовичVoronkova, A.Shnayder, S.2017-12-072017-12-072014Воронкова А. В. Влияние геля с пробиотиками на биохимические показатели слюны пациентов с зубочелюстными аномалиями после ортодонтического лечения / А. В. Воронкова, С. А. Шнайдер // Вісник стоматології. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 58–62.УДК 616.314-002.085+242.08531https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3998У 32 молодых людей с ЗЧА собирали слюну до и спустя 2 недели и 2 месяца после ортодонтического лечения с использованием аппликаций мукозо-адгезивного фитогеля (МАФ), содержащего мультипробиотик «Симбитер», и оп-ределяли в ней биохимические маркеры воспаления (МДА, эластаза), микробной обсемененности (уреаза), неспецифического иммунитета (лизоцим), антиоксидантной защиты (каталаза). Установлено, что применение МАФ устраняет дисбиотические явления, существенно снижает воспаление и увеличивает уровень антиоксидантной защиты; У 32 молодих людей з ЗЩА збирали слину до, через 2 тижні і 2 місяці після ортодонтичного лікування з використанням аплікацій мукозо-адгезивних фітогелів (МАФ), які містять мультіпробіотик «Сімбітер», та визначали в ній біохімічні маркери запалення (МДА, еластаза), мікробного обсіменіння (уреаза), неспецифічного імунітету (лізоцим), антиоксидантного захисту (каталаза). Встановлено, що застосування МАФ усуває дисбіотичні явища, суттєво знижує за-палення і збільшує рівень антиоксидантного захисту; The dysbiotic phenomena in oral cavity, simultaneously to which the inflammatory-dystrophic diseases develop easily, are fre-quently observed in the patients with maxillo-dental anomalies (MDA). The reduced level of probiotic microflora, making for the excessive growth of conditionally-pathogenic bacteria, plays the considerable role in the development of oral dysbiosis. The formulation of multiprobiotic “Simbiter”, containing lactobacil-li, propionic bacteria, bifid bacteria and acetic-acid bacteria, was worked out in Ukraine. Such combination of probiotic bac-teria has got the maximum antidysbiotic effect. The aim of this investigation is the determination of the thera-peutic and preventive effect of new form of “Simbiter” like mu-cosa-adhesive gel in the patients with MDA, undergoing ortho-dontic treatment. In 32 young people with MDA saliva was gathered before and in 2 weeks and 2 months after the orthodontic treatment with ap-plications of the mucosa-adhesive phytogel (MAP), containing multiprobiotic “Simbiter” ; and biochemical markers of in-flammation (MDA, elastase), microbic insemination (urease), nonspecific immunity (lysozyme), antioxidant prevention (cata-lase) were estimated in it. 13 healthy people of the same age were the control group. In the patients with MDA the level of MDA and activity of elastase were increased. The orthodontic treatment raises a lit-tle the level of the both markers in 2 weeks, but in 2 months it returns to the initial value. In the basic group, which got the ap-plications of gel “Simbiter” (by 1ml on oral mucous membrane every day 30 minutes before meal during 12 days), the level of markers of inflammation decreased in 2 weeks already, and 2 months later it almost did not differ from the indices of the healthy people. In patients with MDA activity of urease grows almost thrice. In 2 weeks and in 2 months the activity of urease in saliva of pa-tients from the comparison group reduces, but all the same it remains more than twice as higher than the norm. In the main group activity of urease really reduced in two weeks already, and in 2 months it did not differ from the norm index. During or-thodontic treatment the activity of lysozyme grows in 2 months after the beginning of this treatment, but truly only in patients of the main group, who received gel “Simbiter”. The orthodontic treatment reduces the degree of dysbiosis in 2 months (the com-parison group) and in 2 weeks already (the main group). The degree of dysbiosis falls to the norm in the patients of the main group in 2 months. The antioxidant potential of oral cavity really decreases in the patients with MDA. The orthodontic therapy (the comparison group) increases a bit the activity of catalase and the level of API. The combination of the orthodontic treatment with the ap-plications of gel “Simbiter” raises considerably the antioxidant indices, and in 2 months almost normalizes them. So, the following conclusion can be drawn: MDA cause in pa-tients the development of oral dysbiosis, simultaneously to which the inflammatory and dystrophic processes develop and the level of antioxidant system reduces. The local use of probiotic prepa-ration “Simbiter” like oral gel allows eliminating of dysbiotic phenomena in oral cavity and thereby reducing considerably the intensity of inflammation and dystrophy, as well as increasing the level of antioxidant prevention.ruзубочелюстные аномалииортодонтическое лечениефитогельпробиотикислюнаферментызубо-щелепні аномаліїортодонтичне лікуванняфітогельпробіотикислинаферментиmaxillo-dental anomaliesorthodontic treatmentphytogelprobioticssalivaenzymesВлияние геля с пробиотиками на биохимические показатели слюны пациентов с зубочелюстными аномалиями после ортодонтического леченияВплив гелю з пробіотиками на біохімічні показники слини пацієнтів з зубо-щелепними аномаліями після ортодонтичного лікуванняThe influence of phytogel with probiotics upon the biochemical indices of saliva in the patients with maxillo-dental anomalies after orthodontic treatmentArticle