Shkodina, A. D.Chopra, H.Singh, I.Shoaib, A.Boiko, D. I.2022-09-072022-09-072022Healthcare system amidst the war in Ukraine / A. D. Shkodina, H. Chopra, I. Singh [et al.]// Annals of Medicine and Surgery. – 2022. – Vol. 80. – Р. 104271. more than two months now, Russian troops have been destroying cities in Ukraine. On February 24, 2022, Russia unreasonably attacked Ukraine. The bloody conflict in Ukraine has seen several attacks on healthcare institutions, including hospitals and clinics. Healthcare is a significant force, especially in the context of military conflict. Not only because it takes care of wounded combatants, but also because it allows the society to continue to function before, during, and after the war. The healthcare system in Ukraine is facing the terrible challenges of war and needs humanitarian aid and the support of the international community.enHealthcare systemwar in UkraineHealthcare system amidst the war in UkraineArticle