Shevchenko, K. V.Yeroshenko, G. A.Yakushko, О. S.Kazakova, K. S.Kramarenko, D. R.Єрошенко, Галина АнатоліївнаШевченко, Костянтин ВасильовичЯкушко, Олена СвятославівнаКазакова, Катерина СтаніславівнаКрамаренко, Денис Русланович2019-08-292019-08-292019Morphometric description of the exchange segment of microvasculature of rats’ salivary glands in normal conditions and chronic ethanol intoxication / K. V. Shevchenko, G. A. Yeroshenko, O. S. Yakushko [et al.] // Wiadomości Lekarskie. – 2019. – T. 72, № 3. – P. 323–326.0043-5147 The state of the segments of the microvasculature, especially exchange one, has a significant effect on the organs’ functions. The results of it’s research can be objectified by morphometric method. The aim: to determine the dynamics of changes in metric indices of the exchange segment of microvasculature of rats’ submandibular glands in normal conditions and in chronic ethanol intoxication. Materials and methods: 45 albino rats were involved into study. Intact group (n=5) animals were administered with NaCl isotonic solution 4 times a day directly into the stomach. Experimental group (n=40) animals were administered with 40° ethanol 4 times a day directly into the stomach. Animals were sacrificed on 5, 9, 12 and 30 days by overdose of thiopental anesthesia. Lobules of submandibular glands were embedded into epon-812 according to standard procedure. Results: On day 5 of the experiment the outer diameter of the capillary wall significantly reduced (4,91±0,02 μm), that is 19,5 % less than the values in controls (р<0,05). On day 9 of the experiment it was 15,2 % lower than the value of control group (р>0,05). On day 30 of the experiment the outer capillary diameter was 8 % lower compared to controls (р<0,05). Conclusions: The early observation showed vasodilatation, confirmed by the constriction of the outer diameter and lumen diameter, accompanied by the thickening of the ascular wall under the influence of chronic ethanol intoxication. The indices did not come to normal values by the 30-th day of the experiment.enratssalivary glandscapillariesethanol intoxicationMorphometric description of the exchange segment of microvasculature of rats’ salivary glands in normal conditions and chronic ethanol intoxicationArticle