Shevchenko, O. M.Leshchenko, T. O.Yufimenko, V. G.Шевченко, Олена МиколаївнаЛещенко, Тетяна ОлександрівнаЮфименко, Вікторія Георгіївна2023-12-152023-12-152023Shevchenko О. M. The results of psychological readiness for studying in medical students / O. M. Shevchenko, T. O. Leshchenko, V. G. Yufimenko // Wiadomości Lekarskie Medical Advances. – 2023. – Vol. LXXVI, issue 9. – Р. 2089–2095.0043-5147E-ISSN 2719-342X of medical students for professional activities has been the object of scientific works by domestic and foreign researchers on more than one occasion. This issue was considered from the point of view of its structure, stages of formation, etc. In our opinion, psychological characteristics of the first-year students, issues of educational motivation and difficulties in the educational process generally remain unresolved. The changes that are taking place in the world actualize the need to conduct this research, which will contribute to improving the professional training of future doctors. The aim of the research is to identify the main motives for choosing the physician’s profession; provide practical recommendations for the formation of positive motivation for learning, as well as professional and cognitive interest.enfirst-year students’ psychological adaptationpsychological characteristics of the new generationreadiness for professional activitymotivationmedical studentseducational and professional activity of studentsThe results of psychological readiness for studying in medical studentsArticle10.36740/WLek20230912710.36740/WLek202309127