Borzykh, OksanaLavrenko, AnnaAvramenko, YaninaKaidashev, IgorБорзих, Оксана АнатоліївнаЛавренко, Анна ВолодимирівнаАвраменко, Яніна МиколаївнаКайдашев, Ігор Петрович2023-02-152023-02-152021Ways to improve the management of patients with kidney disease and diabetes, taking into account the associated pathology : abstract book of the 19 European Congress of Internal Medicine, 18–20 March, 2021 / O. Borzykh, A. Lavrenko, Y. Avramenko, I. Kaidashev // EJCRIM. – 2021. – Vol. 8, sup. l. – P.255. to improve the management of patients with kidney disease and diabetes, taking into account the associated pathologyArticle