Горжуй, Дмитро СергійовичГоржуй, Дмитрий СергеевичHorzhui, Dmytro2022-05-302022-05-302022-05-24Horzhui D. Teaching autodidactic techniques to medical students for foreign language speaking skill development / D. Horzhui // XX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them», Warsaw, Poland, May 24–27, 2022. – Warsaw, 2022. – P. 448–449.https://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18474Teaching foreign languages to non-philologists often faces a grave, yet unavoidable obstacle: lack of classroom hours. That is why providing students with self-learning strategies is as important as in-class teaching itself. The basic algorithm of teaching speaking is based on audio-lingual and total physical response methodologies and boils down to the following sequence: 1) listening; 2) internal comprehension; 3) analysis; 4) imitationukTeaching autodidactic techniques to medical students for foreign language speaking skill developmentArticle