Sartipi, Hamed NosratollaTkachenko, Elena ViktorovnaPrylutskyi, Maxim KonstantinovichТкаченко, Олена ВікторівнаПрилуцький, Максим Костянтинович2021-03-162021-03-162020Sartipi H. N. Concerning to the questions on malocclusions and other dental anomalies kinds and peculiarities taking into account typological aspects / H. N. Sartipi, E. V. Tkachenko, M. K. Prilutskyi // World Science: problems, prospects and innovations : abstracts of III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Toronto, Canada, 25–27 November 2020. – Toronto : Perfect Publishing, 2020. – P. 136–139.978-1-4879-3793-5 represent world-wide problem and interest to their study has not diminished though their multi-facetated assessment started rather long ago. The aethiology of asymmetric growth in the mandible is not well understood. The functional lateral shift of the mandible in prepubertal growth period may translate to a true skeletal asymmetry, exclusively in skeletal Class III malocclusion. This asymmetry develops more characteristic features during the pubertal and post-pubertal growth periods.enmalocclusionsdentaldental-maxillarymaxillary-facialConcerning to the questions on malocclusions and other dental anomalies kinds and peculiarities taking into account typological aspectsArticle001.1