Yeroshenko, H. A.Klepets, O. V.Kinash, O. V.Perederii, N. A.Vatsenko, A. V.Ulanovska-Tsyba, N. A.Riabushko, E. B.Shevchenko, K. V.Єрошенко, Галина АнатоліївнаКлепець, Олена ВікторівнаКінаш, Оксана В'ячеславівнаПередерій, Ніна ОлександрівнаВаценко, Анжела ВолодимирівнаУлановська-Циба, Наталія АркадіївнаРябушко, Олена БорисівнаШевченко, Костянтин Васильович2022-05-192022-05-192021Organismic level of life organization. Bases of human genetics : training text-book on Medical biology (module I part II) for students of medical and dental specialties / G. A. Yeroshenko, O. V. Klepets, O. V. Kinash [et al.]. – Poltava, 2021. – 119 p. materials of the training text-book includes the tests of the 1st level (with one right answer), tests of the 2nd level – with the numerous choice of answers, typical tasks, in accordance with the Program of Medical biology for the students of medical and stomatological faculties of Higher Medical Educational Establishments of III–IV levels of accreditation, and also materials for self-preparation work. Text-book will help students to master theoretical knowledge during audience classes and self-dependent preparation to the module control.engeneticsheredityvariability,gene allelesOrganismic level of life organization. Bases of human geneticsBook575.856