Kyrychenko, T.Loban, G.Klorfayn, V.Holubieva, T.Marchenko, P.Legkostup, L.Marchenko, A.Mykhailova, K.Korshenko, V.Кириченко, Тетяна СтаніславівнаЛобань, Галина АндріївнаКлорфайн, Вадим ЙосиповичГолубєва, Тетяна МиколаївнаМарченко, Павло СергійовичЛегкоступ, Л.Марченко, Алла ВолодимирівнаМихайлова, Катерина ІванівнаКоршенко, Володимир Олександрович2023-03-282023-03-282019-11-09Trends in underlying causes of death in HIV - infected patients from 2016 to 2018 in Ukraine: a cohort study / T. Kyrychenko, G. Loban, V. Klorfayn, T. Holubieva, P. Marchenko, L. Legkostup, A. Marchenko, K. Mykhailova, V. Korshenko // HIV Medicine. – 2019. – Vol. 20, suppl. 9 : Abstracts of the 17th European AIDS Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 6–9 November 2019. – P. 199.1464–2662 level in PLHIV in Ukraine remains high. We aimed to examine changes in causes of death in PLHIV over the period 2016–2018. A retrospective cohort study was conducted at Poltava Regional HIV Center which routinely collected data for PLHIV enrolled.enHIV-infected patientsdeath levelсohort studychi-square testAIDSTrends in underlying causes of death in HIV - infected patients from 2016 to 2018 in Ukraine: a cohort studyThesis